Tag Archives: Birthday

Happy Birthday Annabelle!

Birthday Girl

Is it really a year since I wrote about Annabelle’s second birthday?! And what a year it has been! So much has changed,  but some things stayed the same – we still have a love of bins and recycling!. At …

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Another birthday blog!

It’s my turn today! And a rather fabulous day I have had too! I have been truly spoiled by my loved ones and even the weather has been gorgeous! I sat opening my presents this morning with the sun streaming …

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Dave’s big 30

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Husband (A belated post – Dave’s Birthday was in April!!)! To think, I was a teenager when we met (I had just turned 19!!) and now here we are heading into our 30s – or …

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Annabelle is 2!!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful little girl! I am feeling slightly sad that I was at work during the day, but at least we are lucky enough that when I work, Dave is able to work from home which means …

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