Tag Archives: ice

Keeping Safe, Keeping Warm and Keeping Busy!

Here are a few little moments of play from the last few weeks! Keeping safe Annabelle’s pride and joy is her new high-visibility jacket. She loves to talk about why the ‘Bin Men’ wear their hi-vis clothes, and sometimes we see …

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Frosty Fun!

Frosty fence!

We have had a pretty mild few weeks, but this was some fun we fad when the temperatures dropped much lower a couple of weeks ago! The first thing that Annabelle noticed when we opened the curtains was how white …

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Coloured Ice Balloons

These have been in the freezer for a while, waiting for an outing and at last we had a warm afternoon (after a morning of rain!) to try them out! We made them by adding food colouring to water before …

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