Tag Archives: invitation to play

Sensory sand finger paint

What on earth did we do before Pinterest was invented? I could happily spend hours trawling through all the gorgeous ideas for children’s activities, arts and crafts, and organisational ideas. Anyway, one day, this post by The Artful Parent popped …

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Ten Little Teddy Bears

This feels like a very ‘teachery’ sort of post, but all we did was follow Annabelle’s lead and provide opportunities for her to extend her learning and play. Home ed in a nutshell! Annabelle’s favourite book at the moment is …

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salad spinner art

I have been looking forward to sharing this! I saw this idea on Pinterest whilst looking for ideas for plate art and it was one of those activities that made me think “Yes, this is for us, we must try …

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Olympic Torch Relay

Sunday was a VERY early start for us! We were up at 6am (I don’t even get up that early for work!) to go and watch the Olympic Torch Relay pass through Stockport. At least we didn’t choose to watch …

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Invitations to play

As I have been reading more blogs from around the world about home educating, learning through play,  and early education, the same phrase keeps cropping up – an ‘invitation to play’. Despite being a Foundation Stage Teacher (age 3-5) this …

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