Oooh it feels good to be back! We had several weeks where we couldn’t get any pictures uploaded to the computer, so I had to make do with pottering about on our Facebook page and Pinterest boards, but it wasn’t the same! We have so much to share that I wasn’t sure what to go for first but I think we will start with seasonal things we have been doing, otherwise I will end up posting about Halloween activities in December!
We don’t really ‘celebrate’ Halloween as there are a few aspects that we find difficult (not least children knocking on strangers’ doors asking for sweets!!) but it hasn’t stopped us enjoying some spooky crafts and seasonal fun.
Our first activity was these very cute hand-print spiders! Annabelle loves reciting ‘incy wincy spider’ and any spider that she finds in the house is christened ‘incy’ no matter how huge it is so I knew she would love this.
They really are as easy as they look – 2 black hand-prints – slightly overlapped, and glue on some googly eyes!
Annabelle needed a little help to position the second hand to make sure that the two prints overlapped but she didn’t mind at all.
Although we happened to make these around the time of Halloween, they are definitely not limited to this time of year. They would be a fun activity for lots of topics/interests including nursery rhymes or mini beasts. Many of ours have already scuttled out of the house as presents for friends and family (Annabelle likes to share her art!) so I feel we may be making some more soon!
Tomorrow I will be posting about our ‘home made fuzzy felt silly face pumpkins’ although hopefully by then I will have thought of a slightly shorter name for them!