Monthly Archives: September 2012

Magic at the park

It may only be a trip to the park, but I just had to share this fabulous picture with a quote from Annabelle: I love what a magical place children live in! We popped up to Heaton Park on a …

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Mummy craft

Button art A monogram

I saw button art on Pinterest a while ago and fell in love with it instantly! Over summer, Sainsbury’s had a big sale on art and craft supplies so I bought a few canvases and decided to have a go! …

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A picnic with a view

We have been indulging Annabelle’s passions for trains, picnics and puddles! We took a trip to Rudyard Lake Steam Railway in Staffordshire for a ride on the Steam trains and a picnic by the lake. The railway is a miniature …

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More little Moments

Here are a few of our little moments from the end of summer. Secret Moments Shhh…don’t tell Grandad, but Annabelle has been playing golf without him! My Dad is a retired professional golfer, and I am pretty sure that he …

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Pink playdough cakes, and squishy playdough footprints!

I have always made my playdough cold with just flour, salt, oil and water but I saw this recipe from the Imagination Tree and it was described as the ‘best ever no cook playdough recipe’. They are definitely theĀ  playdough …

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