Monthly Archives: August 2012


I love discovering all the new skills, talents and interests that Annabelle develops as she grows. Her most recent milestone is a blossoming love of imaginary play. Annabelle loves her little friends such as HappyLand people, Dora, farm animals and …

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One crafty day

One grey and wet day, we didn’t feel like venturing out, so we settled down at home to get crafty – very crafty! We had a rummage through Annabelle’s extensive craft supply and decided that we would make sun catchers, …

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Little Moments

I have had enough of the word ‘highlights’, so here are some of our ‘special little moments’ from the last few weeks! Moments with Nathalie Annabelle and Nathalie have been out and about again. We met up at ‘Glo Family‘ …

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Riversway Festival 2012

This was the second time since spring that we have headed off to Preston for some Guild Festival fun! The Riversway Festival is an annual maritime festival at Preston Docks, but being a Preston Guild year, all was promised to …

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Olympic fever

I know that Pinterest and blogland are full of Olympic activities, but hey ho, it only comes round every 4 years so here are our Olympic themed adventures!   HappyLand swimming and diving! One of the first events up was …

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