Over the border

We crossed the border last weekend, into beautiful Wales and spent a gorgeous sunny afternoon on the beach in Colwyn Bay. The last time we were on a beach was in Nairn, Scotland in a very chilly September 2010 and Annabelle was only 4 months old! I explained to her in the morning as we got ready that we were going to the seaside, and we would see the beach and the sea and she happily chattered away about going to the ‘beats’.

We were looking forward to trying out a selection of Annabelle’s vast array of buckets, spades and shape moulds that we got in last year’s end of season sales. We also bought a new ‘oversize’ picnic rug that we were keen to try out! So we packed up our beach goodies, a picnic and some spare clothes and hit the road! Colwyn Bay is only 1 hour and 20 minutes away from us, and it was a gorgeous journey through countryside bursting with green.

When we arrived, we parked on the promenade right next to the beach. I was a bit worried that there would be no space at all since the sun had come out, but the beach was lovely and quiet and we found ourselves a peaceful spot and cracked open the picnic! Annabelle was so relaxed as soon as we got onto the beach, and she just sat watching the world go by whilst munching her sandwiches!

After our picnic we set about the important task of building some serious sandcastles! Annabelle (and Mummy and Daddy!) had a fantastic time scooping, digging, moulding, filling, emptying, toppling and raking. She even noticed that the sand was warm on top and cooler when she dug down further. Annabelle’s favourite thing to do was digging or scooping up the sand, and she had a ball running around the picnic rug and shouting ‘more ooping, more ooping’. Thankfully, we knew she was talking about digging, not going to the toilet!

After a beautiful day in the sunshine, we headed home full of sea air, and with a boot full of sand!

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