Tag Archives: cutting

Easy peasy healthy home-made ice cream

I had always assumed that ice cream (home-made or shop bought) equals lots of sugar and cream, making it pretty unhealthy. I saw this lovely idea on Momma’s Fun World for a really simple home-made ice cream with no sugar. …

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Scissor Skills

Today we indulged in some good, old-fashioned cutting and sticking! Annabelle has been practicing using scissors with playdough and of course, cress, so we had a go at cutting some shiny paper to make a collage. I have been saving …

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Milkshake moustaches

Last weekend when we were in Buxton for my Birthday, Dave and I had some yummy milkshakes, but we didn’t let Annabelle have very much as we didn’t know how much sugar was in them. So I decided that we …

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