Ten Little Teddy Bears

This feels like a very ‘teachery’ sort of post, but all we did was follow Annabelle’s lead and provide opportunities for her to extend her learning and play. Home ed in a nutshell!

Annabelle’s favourite book at the moment is ‘Ten Little Teddy Bears’ by Maureen Rofrey, a counting book that counts down from 10 to 1 little teddy bear. Annabelle just loves reading it, and can recite the words perfectly on each page, and point to the title saying ‘Ten little teddy bears’.

To help bring the book to life, we collected up some props from around the house and a teddy (Annabelle chose Daddy’s Monkey!) to tell the story. I also printed and laminated some teddy bear number cards from twinkl to help reinforce the numerals as we say each number aloud.

Here is what our invitation to play looked like:

All the props

I displayed the number cards from 1-10 left to right, so that she could see that we were counting ‘backwards’ as the number of bears gets one less each time.

Annabelle had a ball acting out all the scenes from the story (her favourite being when a buzzy bee chases one teddy away!) and trying to line the number cards up and count them. Obviously, her counting skills are still emergent but she can recite the numbers to 7 independently, then to 20 with support and she recognises a printed number 5.

One bear missed the train!

Our next step to extend this, was to buy a set of ‘Compare Bears’ to help count along with the story. I love compare bears, and they are always a firm favourite with the children at school – much more to come about all the different ways we have played with them another day!

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